Designing the Future of Medicine
International Collaborations
Aim & scope
The mission of the CBS.Gen.NetMed is to contribute in the emerging innovative effort to translate genome architecture-based information into clinical personalized healthcare. Breakthroughs in high-throughput (HT) technologies and dramatic advances in genome scienc es and dynamic network biology revolutionize medicine by entering into the genomic network medicine epoch. In cancer, a patient's tissue and blood samples sophisticated integrated genome analysis can now be obtained by using HT sequencing and modern microarrays platforms. An individual patient's tumor comprehensive view of both mutations landscape and genome dysfunction including gene expression, intracellular signaling path ways network and cell-cell communication can revolutionize therapeutic clinical decisions.
The innovative research "Centre for BioSystems and Genomic Network Medicine" (CBS.GenNetMed) joined recently (5/2012) the Network of Research Laboratories at the University of Ioannina. The CBS.GenNetMed aims in innovative biomedical research with integrated genomic analysis of biological samples from patients with cancer and other complex disorders. To assess a genotype-phenotype map, genomic discoveries and clinical data will be analyzed with innovative computational biological approaches and mathematical predictive models. The Centre has a strong patient-oriented strategy to reach personalized medicine through systems science. The future of medicine, i.e. ‘Clinical Innovation', is now being shaped by research in how to correlate clinical data with genome architecture-based information applying recent network biology and bioinformatics advances aiming in developing innovative therapeutic targets and biomarkers.

ISSN : 1109 - 7647
   Print ISSN : 1109 - 7655


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last update: 11 December 2012