Current best practices and rationalistic perspectives in causation-based prevention, early detection and multidisciplinary treatment of breast and gastric cancer

Gastric & Breast Cancer e-journal
DOI: 10.2122/gbc.2006.0044


First report on the impact of bilateral prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy on cancer mortality: Should this preventive intervention be proposed to BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers?
Dimosthenis Ziogas, Evangelos Paraskevaidis, Michael Fatouros, Dimitrios H. Roukos and Angelos M. Kappas
Since this article has no abstract we provide the first paragraph.
There are few data on the impact of bilateral prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy (BSPO) on cancer mortality in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Although BPSO and bilateral prophylactic mastectomy (BPM) reduce the incidence of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in BRCA mutation carriers, little is known on their efficacy to reduce overall mortality, overall cancer mortality and breast/ovarian cancer-specific mortality. This information is now provided by a large, multicenter and international prospective study [1] and is therefore critical for clinical practice decisions about genetic counselling, mutation testing [2] and choosing preventive intervention.


Online ISSN : 1109 - 7647
   Print ISSN : 1109 - 7655

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