Since there is no abstract, we provide the first paragraph
In the November 20, 2007 issue of the JCO, Tuttle et al. delineate the current landscape in the extent of surgery for early-stage breast cancer in the USA. 1 Despite the limitations of lack of genetic testing data; this report has important clinical implications for physicians, patients, society, health systems and industry. The data of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database for breast cancer patients treated in the USA are clear. They show a dramatic increase in the rate of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) among women with unilateral breast cancer. This rate was significantly increased from 4.2% in 1998 to 11.0% in 2003. In this population-based study, the rate of breast-conserving surgery (BCS) was also increased from 56.1% in 1998 to 59.7% in 2003, while the rate of unilateral mastectomy was decreased. How can this trend be explained? Will this trend affect European and other counties with a high prevalence of breast cancer?