Current best practices and rationalistic perspectives in causation-based prevention, early detection and multidisciplinary treatment of breast and gastric cancer

Gastric & Breast Cancer e-journal
DOI: 10.2122/gbc.2007.0065



Targeting Gastric Cancer: Inhibiting signal transduction pathways
Matthias P.A. Ebert, M.D., Evangelos Briasoulis, M.D., Theodore Liakakos, M.D., Dimosthenis Ziogas, M.D., & Dimitrios Roukos,* M.D.

Abstract The future in the treatment of solid tumors, including gastric cancer lies in targeted therapy. However, at this time and in contrast to a series of approved targeted agents for the treatment of breast, lung, colorectal, renal and other cancer types, no targeted drug has been approved or tested in phase III randomized trial for gastric cancer.

• This perspective articles reviews data from phase II clinical II trials and exploits the potential of the development of novel gene expression profiling based biomarkers for tailored treatment decisions.

• In the era of network cancer biology, improved understanding of interactions between signalling oncogenic pathways and environmental factors, e.g. helicobacter pylori infection and diet, will dramatically change the current poor clinical outcome of gastric cancer.

Keywords: Targeted therapies; EGFR inhibitors; Angiogenesis inhibitors; Gastric cancer.

Online ISSN : 1109 - 7647
   Print ISSN : 1109 - 7655

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