Session.Timeout = 40
Set MyBrow=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")
IP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
FileTo = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
FileFrom = Session("PreviousFile")
if FileFrom = "" then
FileFrom = "-"
end if
datein = Date()
timein = Time()
datein = datein & " " & timein
Browser = MyBrow.browser
If MyBrow.Browser = "IE" And CInt(MyBrow.Version) >= 3 Then
' if IE 3 through 5.5 is found, then...
Browser = "Internet Explorer"
ElseIf InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "MSIE 6") then
' else, this will detect IE 6 or later...
Browser = "Internet Explorer"
ElseIf MyBrow.Browser = "Netscape" And CInt(MyBrow.Version) >= 3 Then
' if Netscape 3 or greater is found, then...
Browser = "Netscape"
End If
if FileFrom <> FileTo then
Connaaa.Execute("INSERT INTO Stats1(IP,DateAccess,FileTo,FileFrom,Browser) VALUES('"&IP&"','"&datein&"','"&FileTo&"','"&FileFrom&"','"&Browser&"')")
end if
Session("PreviousFile") = FileTo
dim username
if Request.Cookies("username") = "" then
username = Request.Cookies("username")
Response.Write "you are logged in as: " & username & ". want to log off?"
end if
best practices and rationalistic perspectives in causation-based
prevention, early detection and multidisciplinary treatment
of breast and gastric cancer
Volume 2 - Number 2 - June/December 2003
*CI = confidence interval; — = CIs were not reported
in these studies. |
‡Case probands include survivors of breast or ovarian
cancer. |
||Case patients with breast cancer diagnosed at younger
than 40 years of age. |
¶Patients with breast cancer diagnosed at younger
than 55 years of age. |
#Probands are patients with incident cases of ovarian
cancer. |
**Model-dependent "best estimate" that does
not use kin–cohort methodology. |
†Hospital-based patients with incident cases of
cancer. The same control subjects were used here and by
Struewing et al. (3). |
§Family data were not used to estimate penetrance. |