Current best practices and rationalistic perspectives in causation-based prevention, early detection and multidisciplinary treatment of breast and gastric cancer

Dimitrios H. Roukos, MD, PhD, is Professor of Surgery – Precision Cancer Medicine and Founding director of “Centre for Biosystems and Genome Network Medicine” in the Ioannina University, School of Medicine. Following conventional surgical oncology research, he has shifted from personalized to Cancer Precision Medicine (CPM) including intratumor and match-circulating cell-free DNA heterogeneity. More recently, he focuses on the integration of artificial intelligence in genome and transcriptome sequencing, editing and interaction mapping technologies in both bulk and single-cell level towards the achievement of optimization of individualized therapy (iCPM).
He has published > 252 PubMed papers, 44 on Precision Medicine and Oncology, and 100 on static and spatiotemporal genome analysis with NGS. These publications have received more than 9500 citations with h-index: 76 (Scopus). He is reviewer in many high impact journals including some with impact factor (IF) >30, evaluator in innovative research projects (EU, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg, Poland), member in the editorial board of 29 international journals with IF, as well as Organizing Committee member and Invited lectures in > 130 International Conferences.

Online ISSN : 1109 - 7647
   Print ISSN : 1109 - 7655

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