Current best practices and rationalistic perspectives in causation-based prevention, early detection and multidisciplinary treatment of breast and gastric cancer

Volume 7
Number 2

Prognostic Value of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Breast Cancer: An Indian Experience
56 - 64
Tailoring surgery for breast cancer – Genetic Testing-based current practice and promises with Genomewide Association studies
45 - 52
Bevacizumab for metastatic breast cancer – Promise and Concerns
53 - 55
Structural genomic variation: Human Copy Number Variation Promise Towards Personalized Medicine
65 - 68
Da Vinci System for Robotic Rectal Cancer Surgery
69 - 70
VEGF and EGFR Antagonists for Gastric Cancer
71 - 73
Treatment of Localized Gastric Adenocarcinoma
74 - 79


Online ISSN : 1109 - 7647
   Print ISSN : 1109 - 7655

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